
Condemned for the former Fairfax Co.

The governor of Virginia, Glenn Youngkin, announced the Fairfax County police officer, who was sentenced to three years in prison on February 28, because he shot an unarmed shop in February 2023, and will not be able to lose his prison sentence in prison.

Wesley Shifflett was sentenced to five years in prison on Friday, as two years were suspended for a ruthless handling of a firearm.

In February 2023 Shifflett, A former sergeant at the Fairfax County police, Timothy McCree Johnson, an unarmed man, shot off Tysons Corner Center after a short chase. Shifflett and another police officer from Fairfax County pursued Johnson, after the security officers had reported that Johnson had stolen sunglasses from a Nordstrom department store in the shopping center.

Youngkin published a statement late Sunday, in which the commuting woman became partly known.

“I am convinced that the detention of the court in the detention is unjust and violates the cornerstone of our judicial system – that similar people will receive proportional sentences. I would like to emphasize that a jury.

District Prosecutor Steve Descano replied to the commutation and said: “I am outraged by Youngkin's decision tonight. Glenn Youngkin has spent the last four years to improve his Trump identity change, and now he is in his footsteps by only achieving political points.

Newsglenn Youngkin