
Conflicts report on the cooperation of the Lewiston Mosque during the shooting examination

The Lewiston Police Department continues to investigate a shootout that took place outside the Masjidu Salaam Mosque, while Mosque leaders contest the claims of uncooperative disputes. In a Facebook post, the department says around 9:45 p.m. last Friday. Mosque, “says the post.” At the time of the shootout, the mosque kept a service to celebrate Ramadan. “” The 19 -year -old shot victim, Leban Hassan from Lewiston, was not cooperative, but all the signs indicate that he was shot in the mosque during the shooting. “Ready to work with everyone, and then we told them about the camera Camera. They all have the evidence they need. “Investigations:” The leaders of the mosque say they put together with the police on Thursday afternoon to talk about it and encourage members of their community to tackle this problem. “We have worked with the police,” said Rilwan Osman, director of the Maine immigrant and refugee service, and mosque. Talk to Maine's total reporting, citing the active examination, but once again stated on Facebook that your conversation with Mosque members was “very informative”.

The Lewiston Police Department continues to investigate a shootout that took place outside the Masjidu Salaam Mosque, while mosque guides are uncooperative.

In a Facebook post, the department says that you received reports on shots in the Bartlett Street area at 9:45 p.m. last Friday at 9:45 p.m.

“When the police arrived, they were able to speak to one person who confirmed that a shootout had taken place in the parking lot of the Masjidu Salaam mosque,” the post said. “At the time of the shootout, the mosque held a service to celebrate Ramadan.”

The police pointed out to a lack of communication by the mosque community and the shooting victim, which was discontinued with a non-life-threatening gunshot wound in St. Mary's Hospital.

“There was not much cooperation from the numerous mosque members who visited prayer,” said the post office. “The 19 -year -old shot victim, Leban Hassan from Lewiston, was not cooperative, but all the signs indicate that he was shot in the mosque during the shooting incident.”

The leaders of the mosque argue that they were actually cooperative and said that the Facebook contribution was disrespectful.

“The mosque was very shocked when they saw it on social media,” said Jama Mohamad, board member of Masjidu Salaam.

Sheikh Abdikadir Abayle, Imam of the mosque, said the shots were after the end of the service and the approximately ten people who were still there and spoke to the police.

“We answered all the questions they ask,” he said. “They asked for a camera and then we told them about the camera. They all have the evidence they need.”

The police said they returned to the scene on Saturday morning and found further evidence. You believe that there were several shooters and requested further information from the anonymous guideline.

“The police also restored Liban Hassan's vehicle, which was left with extensive damage from bullet holes,” says the post office. “Hassan was released from the hospital and is still uncooperative with the examination.”

The leaders of the mosque say that they sat down with the police on Thursday afternoon to talk about it and encourage members of their community to tackle this problem.

“We worked with the police,” said Rilwan Osman, director of the Maine member of the immigrant and refugee service and mosque. “Our goal is to have a safe place for children and for all of us, and the mosque is ready to do what the community needs to solve this problem.”

Lewiston's police refused to speak to Maine's overall reporting, citing the active examination, but once again stated on Facebook and said that her conversations with Mosque members were “very informative”.