
Coroner IDS Teen killed in Bloomington Officer Bot Schießer

Bloomington (25News Now) – McLean County Coroner Kathy Yoder identified the teenager who came to death late Tuesday afternoon.

Yoder said 15-year-old Cole LM Turner von Normal died of several gunshot wounds, which he received during the shootout.

The shootout found Arcadia Dr. in Bloomington. Several witnesses reported to see someone who was armed in the area.

When the police arrived at the crime scene, they said they had met with the suspect, and according to a explanation by the Bloomington police, “the official was fired her service and the topic was hit.”

No officers were injured at the shootout. At this point, the police neither stated whether the subject was armed and how the situation escalated to violence.

Both the McLean County Coroner and Illinois State Police office continue to examine the shootout.

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