
Craven County Crime Stopper Spray Color Bandits

“Destruction of property does not make them brave, it makes them a stupid criminal.”

To In this CCCS segment we need your help to find some spray paint. Last week, two trucks were devastated in separate places – one in Vanceboro and another in the new region of Bern. The investigators believe that the incidents are connected to both vehicles due to the identical damage. A large normal button symbol was sprayed on the rear driver's window of each truck, and the rear driver tire was opened.

A witness reported to see a white or silver four -door vehicle that left the area shortly after listening to a loud noise that is the sound of a tire. Surveillance material covered a person who ran away from one of the destroyed vehicles. However, the picture is too blurred to clearly identify the person with which they moved.

Bottom Feeder, who believe that vandalism is a kind of artistic statement or act of the uprising, must understand that their actions have real consequences. The destruction of property does not make them brave, but makes them a stupid criminal. Anyone who has clearly done this has nothing better to do than damage someone else's property like a coward at night.

So we need your help. If you have information about this crime, contact In. Ox with that Craven County Sheriff's Office at (252) 636-6620 or visit the Craven County Crime Stopper App at Remember, we just want your information, not your name. Further updates can be found on our Facebook and Instagram sites.

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