
Craven County Sheriff's Office is looking for tips on truck vandalism in Vanceboro, New Bern

The Craven County Sheriff's Department is looking for support in finding an unknown suspect in relation to two trucks that have been devastated in separate places, one in Vanceeboro, and one in the New Bern region. The investigators believe that the incidents are connected to both vehicles due to identical damage. A large normal button symbol was sprayed on the rear driver's window of both trucks, and the rear driver tire was slotted, according to the authorities.

According to the authorities, a witness reported to see a white or silver vehicle that left the area shortly after listening to a loud noise, which was regarded as the sound of a tire. Surveillance material covered a person who ran away from one of the destroyed vehicles. However, the picture is too blurred to clearly identify the person.

If you have information about this crime, contact In. Bullock with the Craven County Sheriff's Office at (252) 636-6620 or visit the Craven County Crime Stopper App at