
Criminal violation and possession of marijuana in the crime protocol this week |

During an argument on April 25th outside the ransom hall, a police car drives past.

This is a crime tax from February 17 to February 22nd

Theft of property

On February 17, a male student reported on the theft of an external hard drive, said Uta Police Captain Mike McCord in an e -mail.

On February 19, a male student reported the theft of a vehicle that he had recently bought from a person on social media, said McCord.

The theft of real estate worth 100 to 750 US dollars is a class B's offense, which is punished with a fine of no more than 2,000 US dollars, up to 180 days in prison or both.

Theft of real estate worth 2,500 to 30,000 US dollars is a state prison crime that is punished in a state prison for 180 to two years. Perpetrators may also receive a fine of no more than 10,000 US dollars.

The case on February 19 is still active.

Criminal violation

On February 18, the officials identified a man who was not connected in a safe building that was arrested and brought to the police authority prison in Arlington, said McCord.

If the perpetrator has so far not been convicted of the university of the university, the crime is a criminal offense of class C, which is punished with a fine of no more than 500 US dollars.

If the perpetrator was previously convicted, the crime is a criminal offense of class A, which is punished with a fine of no more than 4,000 US dollars, up to one year in prison or both.

Ownership of marijuana

On February 22, the officials contacted a man who was found in a parked vehicle in the possession of marijuana, said McCord. The man was published in the scene until the examination.

Ownership of marijuana two ounces or less is an offense in class B, which is punished with a fine of no more than 2,000 US dollars, up to 180 days in prison or both.
