
Daily Kos: Treis

Get ready.

The resistance to billionaires that lead our government is growing. Bernie Sanders visits the Red State Midwest and draw massive crowds. Federal workers are angry. Republican politicians are hiding and refusing to make town halls, even if their voters demand or try to set them up.

Comrade Krasnov'S … um, Trump's surveys Numbers collapsed As quickly as his embrace of the comrade Putin grows. Fascism expert and On tyranny Author professor Timothy Snyder noticed Gone with bluesky:

“Nervous musk, Trump, Vance have been exceeded in public arguments in public arguments in the past few days. The government failure, stock market crash and dictatorial alliances are not popular. People begin to recognize that there is no truth here that goes beyond the desire for personal wealth and power. “

James Carville told Dan Abrams:

“The whole thing collapses. … I believe that this administration is in less than 30 days in the middle of a massive breakdown and in particular a breakdown in public opinion. “

At the same time, four Republicans have now thrown the Nazi greeting, three last weekend at CPAC. They think they can overcome their fear of humans by intimidating us.


These fascists are panicked and panicked, potential tyrants are dangerous.

This is a moment of the maximum danger to our nation and our freedoms because if, documented as Rachel BitcoferTrump and his followers really follow Hitler's script to conquer the complete power and transform America into an authoritarian dictatorship. The next step could be to take advantage of an attack on America.

The Germans remember that the fateful day of two years ago this week: February 27, 1933. It started when the government received reports on an upcoming terrorist attack in the middle of a global economic crisis.

A Dutch communist named Marius van der Lubbe Had started weak attacks on some famous buildings, but the media largely ignored its relatively small efforts. However, the German secret services knew that the chances would finally be successful. (Historians still argue whether rogue elements in Hitler's secret service helped him. The latest research implies that they did not do it, but simply continued to watch it.)

And then van der Lubbe took the price of Germany, the parliament building (that Reichstagbau), put it on fire on February day.

Hitler knew that the strike came (although he apparently didn't know where or when), and he had already considered his answer. When an adjutant brought him the news that the nation's most prestigious building was on fire, he verified that it was Van der Lubbe, hurried and then hurried to the scene and called a press conference.

“You are now seeing the beginning of a big era in history,” he announced, standing in front of the burned -out building, surrounded by national media. “This fire,” he said and his voice trembled with emotions, “the beginning.” He used the event “a sign of God”, he called it to explain a comprehensive “war against terrorism”, and the groups he said were their ideological sponsors, the socialists and Jews.

Two weeks later, the first detention center for “terrorists” was built in Oranianberg to keep the first suspected “ally” of the notorious terrorist. Within four weeks after the terrorist attack, Hitler had enforced the legislation – on behalf of the combat of terrorism and the fight against “liberal” philosophy, which he said, suspended the constitutional guarantees for freedom of speech, privacy and Habas Corpus.

Be Decree on the protection of people and the state enabled the police to intercept postal and listening phones; Suspicious terrorists could be locked up without specific fees and without access to their lawyers; And the police could sneak into people's houses without arrest warrants if the cases included terrorism.

It was the beginning of the end of a democratic Germany.

Similarly, the new Russian President Putin was involved in a war with Chechnya in 2002 and tried to submit and prevent a nation that has been under Russian rule and independent in the past centuries, very similar to Ukraine.

A theater in Moscow was confiscated this year by “Chechen rebels” Anyone who started performing theater visitors: Putin apparently ordered poisonous gas from something like fentanyl that was poured into the theater, and his police had the theater taken back (although many of the hostages died with their tormentors).

Putin used the attack To escalate as an excuse His years of conflict with the parts of Chechnya, which were still fought for their independence from Russia; He started a large country invasion and bomb campaign in World War II. Tens of thousands died, entire cities were destroyed and Chechnya was largely suppressed in the course of the year.

After this theater attack and subsequent war from 2002 there was speculation out of several Sources and countries that Putin knew that the attack came and greeted her and believed that he could use it as an excuse to escalate his conflict with a low level with Chechnya to increase his own profile and at the same time full control over to record the region.

It was an echo of the bombing of the Moscow apartment in 1999 take off to the presidency the following year. He had used these terrorist attacks to consolidate his power and repeated the trick in 2003, starting with the arrest of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the head of Yukos oil. The following year the most difficult voices of Dissens or opposition in Russia were either dead, in prison or in flight for their lives.

There is a long history of managers who use national emergencies to increase their popularity, to expand their own power, to overwhelm opposition politicians, to expose to the sins, constitutions, constitutions and elections and to provide a legal facade for the termination or weakening of democracy.

Both George W. Bush and Benjamin Netanyahu – at a time when their popularity was in the toilet and the indictment for inappropriateness (in Netanyah's case, actual criminal complaints) verted – ignored several warnings of attacks.

The 9/11 And October 7th Attacks – predicted by agencies and nations warning American And Israeli Intelligence services – were then successfully used by both to consolidate their own popularity and power.

For this reason, this is such a dangerous moment that requires vigilance and preparation.

Trump's popularity now collapses because his biggest donor in the campaign brings a chainsaw for the American government and practically threatens all aspects of the federal and state functions from social security to medical research and foreign help. An attack on America that would enable him to play the role that Bush would play after September 11th very politically useful.

In an extreme case he has public thoughtAn attack could justify his declaration of a national state of emergency, expose elections and bring the constitution to hold. He was then able to close media that he does not like, imprisoned people who talk out, and expose The elections 2026 and 2028.

Everything legal.

At the same time, he is considering the FBI – America's premiere -terrorism control organization – is scattered with as many as 1500 agents go Washington, dc. A Open apologet for Putin was held responsible for our secret services. And the conductive leadership of our military has just been given in and replaced by toads, who praise Trump as if it were North Korea at every opportunity.

And the JAG officers of each branch of the military together with their high -ranking commanders – the people who would determine the legality of the presidential commands, for example on demonstrators or open adhesion for journalists and dissidents – were released and replaced by loyalists who which were replaced by loyalists who were replaced by loyalists who Those who have been replaced by loyalists, those who are replaced by loyalists who have been replaced by loyalists who will do everything Trump demands.

Brett Holmgren was the director of the National Conterrorism Center until a few weeks ago. He recently warned That the level of threats are currently at unprecedented heights.

Muslims around the world are outraged by Israel's slaughter in Gaza Strip. Ukrainian expats and refugees are angry with Trump's hug from Putin. and the Afghanistan based Islamic state-Khorasan Has already carried out attacks that 13 Americans killed slaughtered slaughter in Moscow with a recently slaughtered slaughter.

And indicate the fatal New Year attack in New Orleans last month. Holmgren added:

“I think it shows that we were very effective as a government and administrations in the disturbance of conspiracy in overseas and terrorist executives, but we have a lot more work when it comes to counteracting violent extremism at home … “

Does anyone remember the bombs that were left at RNC and DNC on January 6th? The bomber is still at large, not to mention groups in the political spectrum – and recently dismissed federal workers – who may have complaints against our government. And people from nations all over the world where USAID kept friends and relatives alive but no longer.

I sincerely hope that I am wrong in my concern, that we are exposed to the very real possibility of an upcoming attack that is exploited by Trump to put a last nail into the coffin of American democracy, but we all – and especially Democrats – must be ready. The Reichstag Feuer scenario could be closer than any of us expected.

As the saying says: “Stand back and be ready.”