
Dalton Fire dedicates the late Christopher Doyle / ambulance

In addition, the Firehouse emblem with Doyle's name is located in the lower corner on the right. A picture of him also hangs in the department of the department.
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The fire brigade has two ambulances: a Ford Econoline 2019 and an international 2016. Discussions during several sessions have highlighted the need to replace both vehicles due to their deteriorating condition.

Dalton, mass. – The new ambulance of the Fire District, which is adapted with decals and lettering, will be put into operation next week.

The ambulance will not only transport patients, but also the late fireman Christopher Doyle, who died on September 15, 2019, died from a sudden heart attack at the age of 27.

The 2024 Ford F-450 Road Rescue Ambulance arrived in White and was adapted with red and blue characters of RSI signs in Pittsfield.

In addition, the Firehouse emblem with Doyle's name is located in the lower corner on the right. A picture of him also hangs in the department of the department.

“We dedicate this ambulance to honor the life and service of Chris Doyle, a beloved member of our team who devoted her life to the servant of others,” said Captain Dennis Tinker.

“Christopher was more than just a colleague; he was a friend, a mentor and a hero who embodied the spirit of compassion, bravery and selflessness.”

Tinker mentioned that the department plans to hold a dedication ceremony as soon as the weather warms up.

Doyle worked in the Dalton fire brigade for about four years, said his brother Cody Doyle.

Cody Doyle, inspired by his brother, currently serves in the Dalton fire brigade. Christopher Doyle often praised his career and brought Cody to the train station.

He was “the best person who ever went through these doors. He always knew how to make people smile. He always cracks. So, just a great person as a whole,” said Doyle.

Doyle said the commitment was very valued and shows how many people took care of his brother and thought.

District writer and treasurer Melanie Roucoulet said he was very missing.

In December, the district voters approved the borrowing of up to 350,000 US dollars to acquire a new ambulance and all associated costs.

The fire brigade has two ambulances: a Ford Econoline 2019 and an international 2016. Discussions during several sessions have highlighted the need to replace both vehicles due to their deteriorating condition.

The district will act in both vehicles. According to the previous comments of the district, the Ford has a commercial value of $ 30,000 and the international $ 2,500.

Rouclet previously said that all paper stuff was completed for trading in the vehicles.

The district received a loan from Greenfield Co-Operative Bank with an interest rate of 4.75 percent, which could decrease in the future years.

Tags: Ambulance service, commitment,