
Dan Gerstein's Grammarpalooza book recommendations

One of my favorite parts of the Grammarpalooza bonus interviews that supporters receive are the book recommendations of the guests.

Ghostwriting expert Dan Gerstein gave us three particularly good recommendations, which unfortunately did not make it into the podcast – a rare event that I tried to correct here by publishing.

Lincoln in Gettysburg: The words that America is redesigned by Garry Wills

How Lincoln declared the declaration of independence to write the greatest speech in the history of the nation.

A treat that Dan made available from the book is that Lincoln was actually not the headliner when he held the Gettysburg address. He spoke to someone who had already spoken for 90 minutes.

Not delivered: The never heard speeches that had rewritten the story of Jeff Nussbaum

For almost every sanded speech, there is an opposite. These second speeches offer a tempting, sometimes scary window in what could not have been for changes in heart or significant expressions of events.

The amazing adventures of Kavalier & Clay, by Michael Chabon

The epic, beloved novel of two boys' geniuses, the superheroes in New York's golden age of comics dream.

The interview

If you want to hear Dans Interview about ghostwriting from the main show, you can find it in Apple Podcasts and YouTube.


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