
Data from electricity CO2 footprint factor released

China presented its opening data for the CO2 factor factor for electricity printing factors at the end of January and marked a milestone for domestic carbon accounting.

The data covers a wide range of energy sectors, from coal-powered power generation to biomass energy energies as well as clean energies such as gas, hydropower, core, wind, photovoltaic and solar thermal as well as their transmission and distribution.

The data based on information that comes from the industries related in 2023 were published jointly by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Bureau of Statistics and the National Energy Administration. It is used to calculate the CO2 footprint of electricity generation and consumption in various industries.

Before this publication, foreign databases were based exclusively on outdated and inflated default values ​​to analyze the greenhouse gas emissions of China. The new data will reflect more precisely the progress that China has achieved in recent years in the direction of green and low -carbon energy conversion.

The research methodology corresponds to the international standards and lays the basis for the mutual detection of factors. The measurement process is based on a comprehensive analysis of typical and representative cases, with most data from domestic companies.

In order to ensure comprehensive coverage, the case studies for calculating the factors of the power carbon footprint were selected in order to include regional representation, type diversity and important influencing factors. This approach ensures that the results correspond more to the objective reality of China's power development, and shows the latest achievements in chinese optimization and technological progress.

Take the calculations for coal -fired advertising as an example. Over a hundred units were selected as case studies that cover 26 regions at the provincial level. They include mainstream coal-powered power generating types such as different capacity levels, pressure parameters and combustion modes.

In a similar way, cases of wind and photovoltaic stream generation take into account the distribution of Chinese wind and sun resources and ensure a comprehensive and precise presentation.

The use of international standards for the release of CO2 factor factor factors of electricity in accordance with the actual situation of China will close a gap in the domestic data and solve the urgent needs of companies and promote the Chinese management of footprint and the convergence of the international data.

This initiative will advance the green and low -carbon transformation of industrial and supply chains, promote the development of new quality of productive forces and support the realization of the “dual carbon” goals of China.

Editor: Wang Manxi