
Date, history, meaning and topic

International Women's Day 2025: Every year on March 8, the International Women's Day is celebrated annually and honors the success of women, lowers the gender equality and promotes the strengthening of women. This global event serves as a platform to highlight the social, economic, cultural and political contributions of women and at the same time to stand up for their rights.

The day is a crucial platform to celebrate the success of women, to raise awareness of existing inequalities and to support themselves for a future in which women have equal rights and opportunities.

International Women's Day 2025 Topic

This year it is celebrated under the topic of “Accelerate Action”. Accelerate action is a worldwide call to recognize strategies, resources and activities that have a positive effect on the progress of women and support and increase their implementation.

History of International Women's Day

March 8 in 1975 was referred to by the United Nations as an international Women's Day. However, it was celebrated for the first time on March 19, 1911 in the United States and several European countries.

The idea of ​​international women's day is based on the 1908 workers' movement, in which numerous clothing workers marched on the streets of New York and demanded better payments, shorter working hours and voting rights. The movement was led by the socialist party of America.

Meaning of the international women's day

International Women's Day is observed to recognize the cultural, political, social and economic achievements of women. It serves as an opportunity to inspire the efforts to terminate gender -specific prejudices and discrimination and to achieve gender equality.