
DEC offers tips to avoid coyot conflicts – finger lakes daily news

The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) encourages the New Yorkers to contribute their part to prevent conflicts between humans and coyotes. Cojots can be found in various habitats across the state, including rural arable land, forests, suburban and urban areas. In general, coyotes suffer from human contact. However, during the spring-dinge and puppet education period, coyotes can become more territorial and protected, which leads to potential conflicts with people and pets. When cojots associated food such as garbage or pet food with people, they can also lose their natural fear of people and increase the likelihood of encounters.

In order to reduce or prevent conflicts with coyotes, DEC recommends the following steps:

o Reduce or prevent conflicts with coyotes, DEC recommends the following steps:

  • Never feed koJoten.
  • Don't leave the food outside. Home food and garbage attract coyotes and other wild animals, which increases the risks for humans and pets. Simple strategies to ensure that you do not feed coyotes unintentionally belong:
    • Always feed pets indoors;
    • Prevent access to garbage;
    • Fence or locking of compost heaps; And
    • Eliminate the availability of bird seeds because concentrations of birds and rodents can attract coyotes.
  • Do not allow any cooys to approach people or pets. If you see a coyot, be enforceable. If you are up, keep your arms up or out to appear larger. When a coyotes make loud, loud noises, waving your arms and throwing sticks and stones.
  • Estimate cojots from afar and teach others to do the same.
  • Don't let the pets run for free. Monitor outdoor pets to protect you from koyotes and other wild animals, especially at dusk and night. Small dogs and cats are particularly susceptible.
  • Zaunhöfe to hold coyotes. Make sure that the fence is tight to the floor and preferably six inches under the floor and larger than four feet.
  • Take the brush and high grass around the houses. Removing brushes eliminates hiding plants for coyotes because they prefer areas in which they can remain invisible.
  • Encourage the neighbors to follow these guidelines. Encourage others to be a good neighbor. Community -wide efforts are necessary to prevent cojot conflicts.

During spring, coyotes are more active and visible. It is generally not a reason to see a coyotes occasionally. However, if Coyotes have courageous behavior, have little fear of people or are often seen during the day near residences, contact the Regional Dec Wildlife Office to get help. Contact the local police authority in emergency situations.

Additional information about the eastern coyotes and the prevention of conflicts with coyotes:

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