
Demo for Fallout Revelation published blues, a mod that aims to reproduce Black Isle's canceled Fallout 3 game in Fallout: New Vegas

The United West team has just published a demo for Fallout Revelation Blues. Fallout Revelation is a mod that aims to reproduce Black Isle's canceled Fallout 3 game in Fallout: New Vegas. So if you are fans of the Fallout franchise, you should definitely try it.

The demo includes Burham Springs, where the players can research the area with new weather, new assets, new levels and many more in order to make the surroundings all the more striking and unique. Regarding factions in the Burham Springs demo, you can see some well -known faces such as the NCR, the BOS and the powder gangers.

In Burham Springs you will find a small mining city that was once under NCR control and has now been abandoned due to a terrible incident. You, the player, can explore the ruins and let the story develop before you. You will meet with the last places that are enough nervous and possibly crazy. You will also find treasures and secrets that are buried under the sand and rocks of the Ashy Canyon.

All in all, this is a cool demo of the canceled Fallout 3 game. And to be honest, I'm pretty happy that we got a demo for it. Many teams worked on Cool Total Conversion mods for Fallout 4 and New Vegas. And as you know, some of them were canceled. At least we can play a demo for this TC mode.

You can download the demo from this link. Note that you also need all the game DLCs. To visit Burham Springs, you have to travel to Boulder City, examine the parked train and enjoy the journey.

If you are interested in Fallout: New Vegas, you can also try these other mods for it. For example, this mod adds real -time reflections. Another one changes over 1,000 functions to make the game more smoothly. Oh, and there is a mod that reduces landscape structure stitching. There is also a mod that makes the characters of the game even smarter. Another must-have-mod is this that improves collision accuracy and eliminates/optimizes networks.

In June 2024 we shared a mod that brought some stalker-like anomalies to the game. You can also get this mod, which adds physically based vehicles to the game. And if you love quests, there is a mod that offers you an endless supply of new ones. We also forget not visual, improved content of expanded mod. This mod fills the area around Vegas so that it feels more like a real city.

There are also some cool expansions for fans for new vegas. Four of them are made while we speak. These are Fallout: Broken City, Fallout van Buren Remake, Fallout: Nuevo Mexico and Star Wars Open Worlds. On the other hand, we have this DLC size that you can now grab and play. These fan expansions mods are Fallout New California, Fallout: Free Cheyenne Demo, Fallout New Vegas: From borders, Fallout the Frontier and Retribution 2.

Enjoy and stay tuned for more!