
Democracy Index 2024 – Economist Intelligence Unit

Egg report

Despite a record election year in 2024 – more than half of the world's population went into surveys – the Democracy index from Eiu recorded another democratic decline. The average score fell to 5.17, its lowest since the beginning of the index in 2006 of 5.23 in 2023.

Only 45% of the world population live in a democracy, 39% under authoritarian rule and 15% in “hybrid regimens”, which combine election democracy with authoritarian tendencies.

The Democracy Index 2024 offers a detailed analysis of political trends at land, regional and global level. Based on comprehensive data, it examines how growing dissatisfaction with democratic models influence the demand for new forms of political representation and the influence of governance, political design and the broader business environment.

Download the report for data -controlled knowledge into the state of democracy worldwide.

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