
Details here – NBC Boston

Karen Read's defense team moves all charges against them in their top -class murder case and claims in a registration on Thursday that “it was severely biased by the ubiquitous misconduct of the Commonwealth”.

The application for dismissal, “for extraordinary government mishaps”, was originally submitted to the Supreme Court of Norfolk under Seal. It was published on Thursday with editorial offices-large parts of the 147-page document are darkened.

The defense said that the public prosecutors suppressed video surveillance material from the cantonal police who would show that it is innocent and the jury during the first process with apparently changed film material from a garage that is known as a sallying, misleaded and “a ridicule of Ms. Reads did the right to proper procedure”.

They also said that information from an important witness until long after it testified was held by them in order to prevent them from taking inconsistencies about a meeting with a cantonal police giant in front of the jury.

“As a result of this extraordinary defect in the government, Ms. Read was permanently and irreversibly refused to make her constitutional right to a fair path. No remedial as a discharge as a discharge can appeal to the significant damage caused by Ms. Read, and the injustice of the procedure without the lost lines that lay in several edited lines in the possession of Commonwesality”, ” in front of several edit lines.

NBC10 Boston turns to the Norfolk County public prosecutor to get a comment.

Read had an application to dismiss the case rejected before the court procedure and a further application for rejection of two charges against you, which was rejected after the process. It appealed against the latter judgment against the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, the then federal court.

While the editorial offices in the recent registration leave some of the reasons for the defense for their unknown arguments, they described in other court files last week, which sensitive information they included, and referred to things that in private discussions between lawyers and judge cannon in previous procedures, which were granted in the provisions of the lawyer channel and in the regulations, both judges, and those raised by the legal, and that were raised by legal officials.

The judge who monitors the Karen Read Murder process has denied Read's application for rejection of two charges against them. The judge issued the judgment on Friday morning two weeks after a hearing, in which she heard arguments from both sides.

Read is accused of killing her friend, the Boston police officer John O'keefe, by beating him with her SUV in front of a house in Canton in January 2022. She did not know her guilty and claimed that she was framed.

Read was in court on Tuesday because of a hearing with high missions, in which the teams discussed the public prosecutor's allegations that the defense had not properly acted during the first legal proceedings and had not disclosed no relationship and payment with their crash rescue experts.