
Did Coyotes solve dogs? Here are strategies to avoid cojotic conflicts

There are certain things that you can do to avoid conflicts with coyotes. The Foreign Ministry for Environmental Protection has offered a list of tips.

Buffalo, NY – The Department of Environmental Conservation reminds the New Yorkers of taking precautions to reduce conflicts with coyotes.

The DEC asks the residents to practice these things in order to avoid unwanted visitors. This includes:

  • Never feed koJoten.
  • Do not leave any food outside. Home food and garbage attract coyotes and other wild animals, feed your pets indoors, secure your garbage and bend it or include compost piles. Also make sure that bird seeds are not available.
  • Do not let yourself be approaching you or others. Be asserable when you see one. Stand up and keep your arms up or out to appear larger. If that doesn't work, make loud noises, wave with your arms and throw sticks and stones.
  • Keep your distance.
  • Don't let the pets run for free. Keep the watch, especially at dusk and at night. Small dogs and cats are particularly susceptible.
  • Take the brush and high grass around the houses. This eliminates hiding place for Coyotes who prefer to remain invisible.
  • Encourage your neighbors to do the same.

“In general, the coyotes avoid human contact,” said December in a recent explanation. “However, during the spring and puppet education period, coyotes can become territorial and protected, which leads to potential conflicts with people and pets.”

Mandy Watson, a wildlife biologist of the Department of Environmental Conservation, spoke about Kojoten sightings in January with 2 on her page.

“If you have a coyot in your garden, just open the door, beat some pots and pans, scream. You could throw something on it. It just moves. It stops getting an area and establishing an area,” said Watson.

“If you get a bird house out, it is probably a good idea to take off your birdhouses, the squirrel and other small mammals that eat koyotes, so that you can get more into your garden. Dash. If you feed pets outdoors, just try to remove pet food.”