
Do not download this “security update”!

Green Bay, Wis. (Wbay) – A consumer alarm if you receive an e -mail that apparently comes from the social security management.

An e -mail calls for people to download a “security update”. It is really an attempt to bring it to a fraudulent website that is not associated with social security.

The fraudsters claim that there is a problem – a potential mistake in their social security account. To correct it, you have to download security software.

The e -mail may look official, but not from the social security management. It does not come from an official E -Mail address of the government that would end in “.gov”.

Do not click on the left or do not download anything from the e -mail.

The SSA's office of the General Inspector always calls on to be careful, to respond to non -requested e -mails or to click on links that apparently come from a government official or a federal authority.

If you are a victim of this fraud, stop speaking immediately to the fraudsters.

Notify all of your financial institutions and keep all your financial transaction information and a recording of communication.

You can contact the police to submit a report.

You should also report to the Federal Trade Commission.