
Do you want to get away? ASU students recommend their best tips for traveling in college

Weekend plans in college are often the starting at parties, studying and even bed handicrafts. If it's time for a break, most people are ready to catch up Z's, but what can be made with these flights?

Student Travel is a great way to rest and relax while visiting new places during your college career. From quick day trips to complete summer experiences, ASU students have come out and were able to make the trip a useful opportunity to spend some time outside of home and campus.

Sarah Kohler, a junior study -enjoys fast day trips, especially hiking. Arizona offers many places in driving distance that have great paths and mountain areas.

“Daily trips are so much easier … with a college schedule, it is simply much more practical because I never have the time to leave my apartment most of the time,” said Kohler. “We went to Sedona a few times. We once went to the Blue Ridge Reservoir – that was really very, very pretty.”

If driving is not your thing or a car is not an option, you should fly to places nearby. There are a variety of flights via Frontier Airlines from Phoenix, which often start from $ 39.

However, trips do not have to be small and fast. Often big trips can be something you can look forward to. These trips can range from outside the state to the country.

John Tamayo, a senior student physics and philosophy, traveled mainly in college.

“I traveled around a bit, mainly in the kind of Southeast Asia and Japan,” said Tamayo.

For Tamayo, international trips are one of the most worthwhile experiences in college.

“Especially in a position to expand their mental and cognitive horizon and to see and experience only a completely different culture, it pays off,” said Tamayo.

As a college student, traveling opens up to those who go, new opportunities and new cultures. It may appear immediately, but carefully plan and progress is a key to ensure that these travel plans can get it out of the group chat.

“I would definitely recommend that you have the idea to go on a trip at all and to constantly check the prices for flight ticket for a certain period of time,” said Tamayo.

Although ticket prices are expensive, the use of a variety of websites that lead over several airlines and data can offer students the cheapest option.

Air is also not the only way to travel. For newcomers to Reagan Leary, who studies computer information systems, family trips in college often include cruises and friends.

“The use of breaks is definitely good if you have no homework and have no exams that you have to worry about,” said Leary.

Leary she said Give your college friends on these trips. For all three students, these trips can be a good group of friends who want to travel and explore, much cheaper and more worthwhile.

Part of this reason is to divide costs such as meals, snacks and gas prices.

Regardless of whether you have downtime on weekends or need a short break, it can be a good refreshment to explore places outside of Phoenix and even Arizona.

Especially with the spring outbreak, a short journey could be everything you need to take a real break. And when you go, you should bring your friends for a much more worthwhile and inexpensive time.

So what are your weekend plans?

Published by Andrew Dirst, Abigail Beck and Natalia Jarrett.

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Gokul AchathekootThe Echo reporter

Gokul is a student in the second year who studies insurance mathematical science. This is his fourth semester at State Press.

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