
Documentary of the Agente Orange victim published in Vietnam

Cultural world

Hanoi, March 3 (Jiji Press) -In Vietnam was published by a documentary about the survivors of one of the twins who were born after the United States used the Agent Orange in the Vietnam War, which ended 50 years ago.

Duc Nguyen, 44, the younger of the twins, recently said in an interview with Jiji Press that the documentary with the wish, the memory of his older brother Viet, who died in 2007, was honored.

The film shows Ducs Life, including his wife and twin children, as well as the damage he assumes that he has suffered from the exposure.

The children were called Fuji and Sakura in gratitude for Japan, which supported the operation to separate Duc and his brother.

Duc said his brother was still very important for him because he feels his brother in his body. He hopes that all countries will work together to create a positive future instead of sticking to the past.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

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