
Download the festival to find “several secret sets”

After only three months that are left until this year's download festival, we know quite anything about who plays every stage and when. We know the side activities in which the participants can take part. We know that people who go this year will be a damn good time. But apparently we don't really know everything About this year's download. And according to the organizers of the festival.

In their latest newsletter to fans, the organizers of the download festival revealed that “several secret sets” would take place throughout the festival. That could mean things like appearances of bands that may not be on the bill, or some special sets of previously announced bands that celebrate a special occasion … Who knows?

The announcement has already made fans to freak out and have made predictions online about what this announcement could mean. Of course, the people who are present when you download the last year remembered, there was a surprise -parkway -Drive -Set that people hadn't expected. And although it was only half an hour, it was something that people who caught the set live will probably not be forgotten.

Various festivals have sometimes taken place over the years, so the fans have the opportunity to experience a surprise that they had no idea. It was known Kill them all as Dehaan.

Ultimately, we have to wait to find out what they mean with “secret sets”, but it certainly inspired people at an exciting festival.