
Download the result of the railway designer here

The RRB JE result 2025 was explained by the Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) for 7951 different places, including Junior Engineer (Je), Depot Materials Superintendent (DMS) and chemical and metallurgical assistant (CMA). You can download the result from the link available on the official website.

RRB Je result 2025: The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has explained the RRB Je result 2025 for 7951 different places. Candidates who occurred in the various postal examination, including Junior Engineer (Je), Depot Materials Superintendent (DMS) as well as chemical and metallurgical assistant (CMA) can download their result on the official website. To download the result, you must provide your registration information on the official website

RRBS had carried out the written exam for one of the most important recruitment trips on the 16th, 17th and 18th of December 2024.

RRB per CBT 1 result 2025: Download PDF link

The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has published the result for the junior engineer and other places on all regional websites. Based on the performance in CBT 1, the candidates for the next phase, i.e. CBT 2 examination, are drawn into the closer choice. Candidates that occurred in the written exam for Junior Engineer contributions can download their RRB Je result 2025 and the Scorecard using the direct download link to the regional website on which they have applied. Below you will find the list of regional website

RRB Je result 2025: Look -on information needs to check the result?

You must specify your login information such as users -id and password for the official website to check the result. Below you will find the list of login information required to check results.

  • Registration number
  • Registration number and
  • birth date

How do I download RRB Je -result 2025?

You can download the RRB Je result 2025 after you have followed the step below.

Step 1: Visit the official website of RRB-
Step 2: Click the link for the RRB Je result on the official website.
Step 3: Now select the respective RRB region from the menu of the official website.
Step 4: Enter your login information including the registration number and date of birth of the left.
Step 5: Now click the “Send” button.
Step 6: The RRB Je result -PDF is displayed on the screen.
Step 7: Download the result as a future reference.

RRB Je result 2025: Details about the result mentioned

The RRB Je result was explained by RRBS on its official regional website. You will be recommended to download the Junior Engineer CBT 1 Merit List PDF and check all decisive details, including the roll numbers of successful candidates that come into the closer choice for the next round. The result provides you with essential information, including the.

  • Postname
  • Exam date
  • Advertising number
  • Recruitment authority
  • The disciplinary list of candidates in the shortlist

Rrb per CBT 1 result 2025 qualification brands

In order to qualify in the junior engineer and in other places, all candidates must receive the minimum qualification reviews in order to qualify for the next round for the junior engineer and other contributions. You can check the category license plates specified below.

category Minimal transition marks
Original 40%
OBC 30%
SC 30%
St 25%

RRB Je result 2025: Know the statistics for the selection of candidates for the 2nd stage examination

In accordance with the details that advertising for Junior Engineer contributions published, the selection list of candidates is in accordance with RRB Wise for CBT for CBT, which is usually carried out with the 15 -fold number of vacancies. The candidates should note that shortlisting for CBT in the 2nd stage on the earnings of the candidates in the 1st stage of CBT are based in accordance with the applicable job offers.