
Duke among 45 schools that were examined

Duke is one of 45 university institutions that were allegedly involved in her graduate programs “racial exclusion practices”, the Ministry of Education announced on Friday.

The universities and universities are examined because they may violate title VI of Civil Rights Act by using the Ph.D. Project, an organization that wants to help students with underrepresented backgrounds to receive a business qualification. In a statement on Friday, the educational department claimed that the program “limits the authorization based on the racing of the participants”.

A further seven institutions are examined for similar reasons for “supposedly awarded inadmissible breed-based scholarships” and one for “supposedly a program that the students separated on the basis of the breed.

“The department is working to reorganize the enforcement of civil rights to ensure that all students are protected against illegal discrimination,” said Linda McMahon, Minister of Education, in the declaration. “… the students must be evaluated according to earnings and achievements that are not biased by the color of their skin. We will not result in this obligation. “

The move took place exactly one month after the Trump administration of US schools had highlighted a “dear colleague” and gave them a two-week period for the termination of all diversity initiatives and no longer used the use of “racial preferences” for approvals, attitudes, financial aids and other practices or the loss of federal financing.

University administrator refused to comment on the investigation of his answer to the very colleague letter or the future of diversity initiatives at Duke on February 14th.

Duke was questioned last autumn last autumn after a possible discriminated discrimination against the demographic collapse for the 2028 class, which resulted in a decline in six percentage points compared to the previous year. Students for fair approvals, the Advocacy group, which served as the plaintiff in the lawsuit [were] Not possible under the true racial neutrality ”and the warning that it was“ ready to enforce the judgment of the Supreme Court in June 2023.

The university previously ended its reginaldo Howard Memorial scholarship program, a full ride scholarship for “top applicant African descent”, and replaced it with a leadership program that openly open to all students, regardless of the breed. The move in April 2024 came less than a year after the decision of the positive measures, although the university administration claimed that the decision was not a factor for the decision to end the program.

On Friday, the investigation announced the second major series of federal investigations at US universities and universities initiated by the Trump government. On Monday, the educational department sent letters to 60 schools in which they were informed that they were examined for alleged “anti -Semitic discrimination and harassment” and were suspended with “assertiveness”. Duke was not listed as examined.

Both examination rates were announced after McMahon was confirmed in their position as head of the department on March 3.

The Ministry of Education has asked questions about its future in recent months when President Donald Trump has repeatedly declared his intention to reduce or eliminate the department overall.

In the first obvious step towards this goal, over 1,300 employees of the department were released on Tuesday – almost half of the entire workforce. The Office for Civil Rights, which is responsible for the treatment of federal investigations in schools and is reportedly “already understaffed”.

Zoe Kolenovsky
| News editor

Zoe Kolenovsky is Trinity Junior and news editor of the 120th volume of the Chronicle.