
East Texas Fire and Nature Festival comes to the Tyler Nature Center in April

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Free event will take place on April 5th

The Free Festival demonstrates the numerous advantages of the prescribed fire and focuses on improving the public familiarity and understanding of its role in the ecology of the Pineywoods. (Photo: Getty Images, Unplash)

Tyler, Texas – The Department of Parks and Wildlife in Texas invites the public to find out about the importance of fire in nature at the East Texas Fire and Nature Festival.

The event will take place from April 5 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Tyler Nature Center, 11942 FM 848, Tyler, TX 75707.

The Free Festival demonstrates the numerous advantages of the prescribed fire and focuses on improving the public familiarity and understanding of its role in the ecology of the Pineywoods. The participants can join Nature hikes and conversations, see Wildland Fire Trucks, access to practical fire equipment and activities of children that highlight wild animals and science and observe a living fire demonstration that allows it.

This event is a collaborative effect between the following organizations: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Texas A & M Forest Service, Texas A & M Agrilife Extension Service, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Texas Longleaf Team, Tall Timbers, Great Plains Exchange, The Nature Conversancy, Pheasant Forever, American Bird Conservancy, Smith County Fire Marshal, Smith County Soil & Water Conservation District, Smith County Ems, National Wild Turkey Federation, Master Naturalist and Alabama Coushatta Stamm of Texas.

– Texas Parks and Wildlife Department