Bogota, ColombiaPresent March 14, 2025 / Prnewswire/ -ecopetrol SA (BVC: Ecopetrol; NYSE: EC) announces that according to the form 6-K March 3, 2025With the same medium, it has completed the necessary procedures for the implementation of the market maker program for its regular shares with Ande Investment Group Inc., a subsidiary of the Chilean group Larraín Vial, and the Bancolombia Sa Comisionista de Bolsa Valert.
The market maker program continued March 3, 2025The Andees Investment Group Inc., while Valores Bancolombia Sa Comisionista de Bolsa Valores, the program begins Friday, March 14thWith the approval of the Colombian stock exchange.
With the introduction of this program, Ecopetrol is intended to improve trade conditions, pricing, depth and liquidity of its shares in the local market, which increases the Colombian capital market and generates value for its shareholders.
Further information on the technical conditions of the program for liquidity providers can be found in the attached release No. 048 of the Colombian stock exchange (only available in Spanish).
Ecopetrol is the largest company in Colombia And one of the most important integrated energy companies on the American continent with more than 19,000 employees. In ColombiaIt is responsible for more than 60% of the hydrocarbon production of most transport, logistics and hydrocarbon-refinery systems and holds leading positions in the petrochemical and gas distribution segments. With the acquisition of 51.4% of the ISA shares, the company takes part in the energy transmission, the management of real -time systems (XM) and the Barranquilla – Cartagena Concession of the coastal road. At the international level, Ecopetrol involved strategic pelvis on the American continent, with drilling and exploration operations in The United States (Perm basin and the Gulf of Mexico), BrazilAnd MexicoAnd through Isa and its subsidiaries, Ecopetrol holds leading positions in the electricity transmission business in BrazilPresent ChilePresent Peruand Bolivia, street concessions in ChileAnd the telecommunications sector.
This publication contains statements that can be regarded as changed as a future-oriented statements within the meaning of Section 27a of the US Securities Act of 1933 in the changed version and § 21e of the US Securities Exchange Act from 1934. All future -oriented statements, be it in this publication or in future submissions or press releases or oral, deal with matters that contain risks and uncertainties, including the view of the company for growth and its continuous access to capital, in order to finance the business plan of the company, among other things. As a result, changes in the following factors could lead to the fact that the actual results differ significantly from the statements contained in the future statements: market prices for oil and gas, our exploration and production activities, market conditions, applicable regulations, the exchange rate, the competitiveness of the company and the performance of companies Colombia Economy and industry to mention some. We intend and assume no obligation to update these future -oriented statements.
For more information, please contact:
Head of the capital markets
Carolina Tovar Aragón
E-mail: [email protected]
Head of corporate communication (Colombia)))
Marcela Ulloa
E-mail: [email protected]
Boletín Informativo
Valores Bancolombia Sa Comisionista de Bolsa, Formador de Liquidz de la Ecopetrol
No. 048
Bogotá DC, Marzo 14 DE 2025
La Bolsa de Valores de Columbia Sa (en Adelante “Bolsa” O “BVC“) Informa que admitió y Valores Bancolombia Sociedad Comisionista de Bolsa Para Actuar Como Formador de Liquidez de la Especie EcopetrolA partir del 14 de Marzo de 2025Según Las Condiciones Y Criterios Técnicos del Programa Etagecidos en el boletín Normativo BVC No. 031 publicado el día 30 de diciembre de 2024, el reglamento y la circular única de la bolsa.
La Aprobación del present program 14 de Marzo de 2025se desarrarrarrará utilizando fondos propios del Formador de Liquidz, de acuerdo con Lo etabldo en el artículo del reglamento de la bolsa de valores de valores Colombia. Y se encontrará Vigente Hasta el 14 de Marzo de 2026.
Recordamos que acorde con el mencionado boletín normativo bvc, las condiciones técnicas para el program de formador de liquidz sobre la especie Ecopetrol Son Las Siguientes:
1 ..
El difference entrance la Mejor Oferta de Venta del Formador de Liquidz y la Mejor Oferta de Compra del Formador de Liquidz no Podrá Superior A $ 50 Pesos, Según Vigencia de 2025.
ESTA DIFERENCIA PODRá Ser Modificada, Lo Cual Se Napficará Al Mercado Mediante Boletín Normativo.
2. Monto Mínimo de las órdenes de venta y de compra
El Monto Mínimo de la Orden de Venta Será de 66,000 uvr y el monto mínimo de la Orden de Compra Será de 66,000 and many more.
3. Cantidades y oportunidades en las que debe intervenir el formador de liciquidenz en el mercado
De acuerdo con Lo tecido en el Numeral 1.3.4 de la Circular única bvc, el Formador de Licidez deberá Elener de forma lasted y simultánea por menos una order de compra y una order deatha la sessión de mercado.
Según lo indicado en el Numeral 1.3.7 de la Circular única bvc el Formador de Licidez deerá cumplir las condiciones o criterios técnicos del programa como mínimo en 80% de las meticiones recalizadas durante el mes.
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Source Ecopetrol SA