
Enochs 46. St. Patrick's Day celebration and fundraising campaign

Monroe, La. (Knoe) – Enochs Irish Pub & Café organized his 46th annual celebration and fundraiser of St. Patrick's Day on Monday, March 17th.

The event included live music, food, T-shirts and competition cards.

The proceeds from the night benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Community Pharmacy. The pharmacy provides qualified people in the northeast of Louisiana medication that may not have access to the necessary recipes.

Enoch's has worked with St. Vincent de Paul for over 20 years during her St. Patrick's Day and donated over $ 100,000 to the organization.

The President of the St. Vincent de Paul Pharmacy Board Kim Verhamen says that the community can help every day.

Verhen said: “If you have a family member from whom you know that he has an incurable illness or you have died and have the medication and things that could help someone else is accepted. This can always be brought to the pharmacy, together with only everything that is needed.”

The owner of Enoch, John Jeter, said in his eyes the day of St. Patrick was all about returning the community as well as the community gave them.