
Every girl has to play: 'Metro Girls' Flag Football League Fundraising to offer scholarships

Girls' football continues to grow in the U -Bahn and arouses more athletes than ever before.

The Strike League is Oklahoma City's only girl -Flag -Football League and the head coach says that every girl should have the opportunity to play regardless of her solvency.

“The community is great. Everyone is very nice together and everyone is supportive, ”said Blair Goodger, an athlete of the strike.

Blair and her sister Blythe have been playing flag football with strike League for more than a year.

“It's really fun to play with … new people and create new friends,” said Blythe.

It is a sport that gains dynamics on the national stage, but it hits roadblocks at local level.

“We have a lot of talented athletes, but we know that youth sports sports usually pay athletes on the side,” said Ben Ezugha, head coach of the Strike League.

At the moment, paying for playing is the only way for girls to take part in the flag football in OKC.

But head coach Ben Ezugha wants the scholarship fund “play every girl” to change this.

“We want to finance 30 girls to play. No costs for their parents, their registration fees and their and their uniform fees and took care of it, ”said Ezugha.

These costs are officially $ 217 per athlete for eight games.

“The more Merrier the more people who arrive, 10, 20, 30 dollars, $ 100,” said Ezugha.

Ezugha and the Girls of Strike League have set their fundraising goal at 7,000 US dollars to give Blair and Blythe a few new teammates.

“Yes, how girls can do everything that is not just a boy sport,” said Blair.

A gofundme was set up to collect money for the scholarships. Click here: Click here: