
Ex-students who are charged with the rape of the campus on the SCSU, arrested in Ca: Reports

St. Cloud, MN-a 20-year-old man, who was charged with rape a student at St. Cloud State University, was arrested in California last week.

Dipak Phayal was charged in St. Cloud last month for several crimes for criminal sexual behavior, including penetration with violence or coercion and support and support, according to the Stearns County public prosecutor.

Phayal was arrested on Thursday by Fremont, California, the police were given the police because of a nationwide arrest warrant, according to the St. Cloud Times, the Phayal and a accomplice, Sujan Tamang, to a drunk student joined her dormitory in November, holding her back, holding her back and sexually attacking her.

DNA samples that were taken in a hospital, surveillance material and a public security officer, the couple combined according to Kare 11 with the attack, which found that one of the men announced the victim hours hours after the incident in the early morning. The victim suffered physical brands from the reluctance, reported the Times.

Phayal told the investigators that he had helped the student in their room, but according to Tamang did not carry out sexual acts with her, but Tamang said that Phayal touched her mutually.

Both Phayal and Tamang were enrolled in the autumn semester in the St. Cloud State, but are no longer a student at the university, reported Kare 11. The police are still looking for Tamang and believes that he left Minnesota according to the train station.

According to the public prosecutor's 19 -year -old Tamang, three cases of crimes are faced with the public prosecutor who helps criminal sexual behavior.