
Expert reveals the lies of Energy CEO in viral video: “We checked ourselves better”.

Toby Z. Rice, President and CEO of the EQT Corporation, had the carpet torn out in a Tikok video under his feet of Hazel Thayer (@hazelisonline) under his feet.

“But I think we checked better before we get facts ourselves,” she said, before systematically disassembling Rice's claim that natural gas is the cheapest, most reliable and cleanest form of energy.

@Hazelisonline time to expose Lil Toby while he is somehow more pipelines. #Mythbusting #gasbusting #Learnontikok #Gasleak partner #gasleaks #cookingwithgas #Cleenengy #gasbusters #exposegas ♬ Original -Sound – Hazel Thayer

At least for rice, the facts on the ground unfortunately result in a different story. Let's start with the “cheapest” and work from there.

In general, natural gas is not the cheapest form of energy. Lazards 2024 level costs for energy analysis PEGS Solar for $ 29 to 92 per megawatt hour, wind for $ 27 to $ 73 per MWh and natural gas at $ 45 to 108 per MWh, of which the latter are derived from the natural gas plants from the best “combined cycle”.

In terms of reliability, natural gas is indeed more reliable than wind and solar, with 85% to 90% capacity factors compared to 25% to 30% for solar and 35% to 50% for wind. However, these forms for renewable energies do not require a fuel that is not to be operated on as a naturally occurring sunlight and wind, and nuclear easily strikes natural gas in operation, resilience and costs for downtimes.

With the “cleanest” claim, natural gas has some advantages. At least 50% less CO2 is emitted than coal per energy unit, and some analysts argue that they have significantly reduced the United States to the United States since the amount of coal. This is generally considered to be less dangerous for the health of employees than coal, and air pollution from coal is worse for human health.

But as Thayer said in her video, other sources in relation to the overheating of the planet indicate concern that natural gas can actually be “so bad or worse than coal if we take the torches and leaks into account”. Unfortunately, the main element of natural gas methane, which escapes during production, processing, transport and distribution.

To explain this a little better: natural gas production contains controlled burning, “torching”, and in its gaseous shape, every accident or leak means that it flees directly into the air and the atmosphere -while coal can at least be picked up from the floor. Solar and wind energy now do not form such risks, although a certain pollution is associated with the manufacture of the devices, similar to the production of power plants and trucks as well as mining, drilling and fracking operations.

In addition, climate scientists who are methane as greenhouse gas around the 80 times stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide appreciate, so that his leaks and torches are nothing to be overlooked.

Solar, core, wind, hydropower and biomass are all cleaner forms of energy to arrange from the best for the worst. While this TikK video to complete things a little, rice is not correct at all in its claim to clean energy.

Although there are some things about natural gas, you really choose the lesser of the evil, especially compared to the growing availability of cleaner, more reliable and cheaper alternatives.

A answer post made it clear: “It is the cheapest !! If it is cheap. At the moment it is expensive like H ***, so not cheap … but if it's cheap, it's really cheap!”

A Tikker joked: “Love the energy, play on words strongly intends Lol.”

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