
Experts approved skin and hair care tips for their Holi party

Holi is a festival of color, joy and togetherness. But even if you enjoy the celebrations, you should give yourself additional love and care. You can leave synthetic colors as well as a longer exposure to sun and water with dry skin and irritated eyes and ears.

A little care is a long way to keep the color and fun

Here you will find a complete guide to keep your skin, eyes, ears, lips and nails, which spoil a simple routine before and after the Holi routine before and after the Holi to soak in the festive spirit without discomfort.

Skin protection

Vor-Holi care

Apply a generous layer of coconut, mustard or olive oil on your body and pay attention to elbows, knees and hands that tend to dye more.

Use rich body butter or cream to supply the skin with moisture and prevent colors from penetrating. Broadband sun protection (SPF 50+) is a must. “Holi colors make the skin more photo -sensitive and increase the risk of pigmentation, especially if a rash develops,” says Dr. Amit Bangia, dermatologist at the Asian Hospital.

If you have acne-tending skin, you can stop active acne treatments (such as retinole and benzoylperoxide) 3-5 days before avoiding irritation, the dermatologist Dr. Atula Gupta. Wear in full cotton wool to minimize direct contact with colors.

Post-Holy care

Avoid hard soaps or scrubbing. Instead, clean with a mild face laundering or a homemade ubtan (gram flour, curd cheese and turmeric) to remove color.

Relief of irritation with aloe vera gel, rose water or cucumber juice. Fill up with a moisturizing serum, oil or a light moisture cream.

Skip the salon treatments for at least one week so that your skin can be recovered, Dr. Harsimran Kaur. Professional tip: rub be mustard oil on your skin and carefully wipe them off with a cotton block to remove the remaining color.


Vor-Holi care

“To avoid drought and stabbing, use a thick layer of petroleum jelly or lip balm, says the beautician Dr. Nilofar Diwan.

Avoid using matt lipsticks if you dry out your lips. Choose for a creamy lipstick or a tinted lip balm.

Post-Holy care

Clean your lips with micellar water or milk with a cotton block.

Use a nutritious lip balm again to keep your lips soft and prevent the captain. Apply ghee, coconut oil or honey for additional care at night to repair the drought.


Vor-Holi care

Apply the oil jelly in front of and directly into the outer ear to prevent the colors from breaking off.

“If you plan to play with water or to be susceptible to ear infections, dip soft cotton plugs with oil and use it to prevent water or color from entering your ears,” says the pediatric dermatologist Sumit Kour.

Post-Holy care

Carefully clean your outer ears with a damp cotton block or a soft cloth. Avoid using earphones or water because you can push particles further inside. If you feel complaints, pain or blocking, contact a doctor instead of administering yourself.

Apply a clear nail polish to create a barrier for your nails. “Petroleum jelly can be applied to the nails to prevent a color coloring,” says Dr. Atula Gupta. Keep your nails cut briefly to reduce the color chances that are locked underneath.

Nail protection

Post-Holy care

Avoid using aceton base nail polish remover.

Allow your cuticles and nail beds with nutritious oils such as almond or olive oil to restore and shine the liquid intake.

Eye safety measures

Vor-Holi care

Protect your eyes from color and dust with all -round or oversized sunglasses, the dermatologist Dr. Harsimran Kaur.

“Avoid contact lenses because colors can glue and cause irritation,” adds Dr. Kaur added.

Apply a light moisturizing eye cream to protect and color the eye areas.

Post-Holy care

As soon as the celebrations are over, rinse your eyes gently with clean, cold water.

If you experience dryness or reddening, use lubrication drops after checking with a doctor.

Rest your eyes by avoiding a longer screen time so that you can recover naturally.