
Facts test Florida Governor Ron Desantis on insurance rates, education and weapons laws

In his annual speech to the legislature of Florida, the Republican governor Ron Desantis was emblazoned at the state as a US leader of business, education and immigration.

Desantis repeated the topics of conversation that Florida in entrepreneurship, the new business education and gross domestic product growth in large states War-Alle, which we actually checked last year. He also tried to align himself and Florida on the agenda of President Donald Trump and to emphasize the extensive immigration legislation, which he signed a few weeks before the address.

“Thanks to the latest legislation, it is now a crime to enter Florida illegally, the days of catch and release have ended, and all state and local law enforcement authorities are obliged to help the immigration of immigration,” said Desantis.

Politifact Facts tests Desantis' statements about Florida's insurance rates, workforce, education policy and weapons laws. For the reaction of the Democrats to Desantis, we have factually checked Senator Jason Pizzo's explanation of the explanation of law enforcement containers, human trafficking and homeowners insurance.

“S&P Global rated Florida as the lowest (home owner insurance) in all 50 states.”

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This needs context.

The insurance prices in Florida can vary greatly depending on the insurer and policy. A report by Insurify, a national insurance data recording group, showed that homeowners in Florida pay most of an insurance state with an average annual rate of almost 11,000 USD in 2023.

When asked about evidence that support this explanation, a spokesman for Desantis pointed to a S&P report of the S&P about the changes to the insurance sentence for US home owners. The report showed that Florida had an effective rate of installment of 1% in 2024, the lowest of a state this year.

However, this analysis excludes interest changes from Citizens Property Insurance Corp., the state insurer of Florida, for people who can no longer take out insurance from private insurers. Although the citizens were intended to be an insurer of the last statement, the citizens became 1.4 million guidelines in Florida's largest homeowner insurer in 2023. From February 28, the company has dropped to 847,000 guidelines.

“We are the top state in America for the choice of school.”

A spokesman for Desantis said that this relates to rankings of the American legislative Exchange Exchange Council, who mainly works with the legislators of the Republican state to adopt conservative laws.

The group, also called Alec, published its second “Index of State Education Freedom” in January, in which states are classified on the basis of the availability of various types of educational environments such as charter schools, homeschooling, virtual schools and public schools with open registration guidelines. It is also examined how many families the programs can use and how much financing the state offers.

Florida, which has a top overall, received an A+ Schrad in the report and received A's in educational freedom programs, charter schools, virtual schooling and open enrollment.

“Florida was also number one for education for two consecutive years of US news and the world report for two consecutive years,” said the spokesman for Desantis, Corey Adamyk.

The School Choice 'by Desantis' School Choice prompted some of the state's largest public school districts to close the schools because the enrollment has decreed, Politico reported in May 2024.

“We have the lowest number of employees in the state government per capita in the country.”

Mostly true.

The Florida Department of Management Services, which takes over the state matters, announced in an annual labor report 2021-22 that Florida 96 of the state government had 10,000 inhabitants, which was the lowest rate in the country. The national average was 198 workers per 10,000 inhabitants.

We have found that Florida, such as the American legislative Exchange Council, counts state and local workers, such as the American legislative Exchange Council 409 state and local employees per 10,000 inhabitants, the third -lowest national.

These numbers could soon fall. Desantis signed an application on February 24 on February 24 to create the Task Force of the State Department of Government of Government in Florida. He said in a press release that he would say “to remove the waste within the state government, save taxpayers and to ensure the obligation to account in Florida”.

Desantis said in a press conference in which the Task Force became known that he hopes that it will eliminate around 900 state jobs, reported the Tallahassee Democrat.

Florida's Red Flag Act does not follow “properly”.

Desantis said that he wanted the legislator to have a law on “Red Flag” from 2018 after the shootout in the Parkland School, which enables the law enforcement authorities to apply for a judge to prevent a person who has weapons for themselves or other than a year.

After the speech, Desantis explained reporter and said: “If you look at this law on red flag that has been adopted … you can go in and say:” This person is a danger. You should have your firearms removed “what property is and is not only associated with a somewhat connected relationship to a constitutional law.

This argument has not been in judicial challenges from Florida and other countries.

The dishes in Florida say that petitions for such an order have to provide evidence that a person “represents a significant danger of harming themselves or others by having a firearm or ammunition”. The evidence must be “clear and convincing” so that the command should be given. These are civilian procedures in which individuals are not at risk of detention and exposed to detention, Dave Aronberg, public prosecutor of Palm Beach, told Politifact in 2022. The prosecutors are only involved if someone violates an arrangement, which is rare, said Aronberg.

In 2019, an appellate court in Florida rejected a constitutional contestation that argued that the law on red flags of the state vaguely, exceeded and violated the content. The court said that the law requires a hearing within 14 days of a petition that “provides a proper procedure” and “includes additional procedural protection by the supporters require the increased” clear and convincing “burden on the standard of evidence”.

State Senator Jason Pizzo, D-Hollywood: “The only ranking on which we have kept stable in the past six years are approaching in the salaries of the law enforcement authorities and almost the top of insurance premiums and human trafficking.”

It depends on which police positions are considered. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the police and the patrol police of the sheriff had an annual average wage of $ 78,480 from May 2023. That was better than 33 states as well as Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. The data show that 16 countries paid higher wages than Florida for these jobs.

Although Pizzo spoke more generally in his response to Desantis, on February 11th, he sent Miami Herald Editorial to the Florida Highway Patrol Troopers, who is now being commissioned to enforce immigration, a start content of 54,000 US dollars. The Herald previously reported that the department in its budget application to the state legislature said that the start content of the “third party among similar agencies in 49 states” was.

According to a national group that pursues such cases, Pizzo is rightly so that Florida is at the top in the nation in human trafficking.

Pizzo sent us a law on a law on the State of Senate's anti -Humanity, which said: “Florida is classified in the United States as the third highest federal trade in the reported human trafficking.”

This analysis quoted the Florida Alliance to end human trafficking, whereby these statistics from the national hotline of human trafficking accompanied. 680 cases of human trafficking in Florida was identified in the hotline in 2023. These are also the three most populous states in the nation, as the data of the US Census Bureau show.

Florida is at the top of the costs for home ownership insurance premiums. In addition to the Insurify report, in which the homeowners in Florida pay the highest premiums in the country, Pizzo sent us an article from, which points out that data in Florida “pays 20% of homeowners at least $ 4,000 for house insurance, the highest share of a state”.