
Fairphone accidentally licks personal data from Beta tester, makes ridiculous mistakes in handling

Fairphone, an environmentally friendly mobile phone manufacturer, had an unexpected incident last week after he accidentally left the personal data of her Beta tester. This leak occurred on the online form due to a configuration error, which was used for beta test surveys in several countries.

According to a report by Phoneara, this data leak came from an incorrectly configured online form for Fairphone, so that the personal information of the beta tester can recognize from other users. In this incident, at least 24 beta testers were affected, with data being uncovered, including names, house addresses, cell phone owner information, e -mail addresses, telecommunications operators and the device number of the device.

Fairphone immediately took quick steps to close this gap. In an e -mail sent to the affected user, which was then uploaded to the Fairphone Community Forum, the company explained that this problem was identified on March 4 at 4:00 p.m. Shortly afterwards, they immediately corrected the configuration error and the secured user data.

Fairphone also ensures that no party outside of this group has access to leaked data. The company said that due to this incident it has not found any evidence of data abuse. However, they still ask the Beta testers to be too aware of suspicious activities, phishing links or messages that ask about personal information.

Instead of solving the problem, Fairphone actually made additional mistakes that made the situation worse. When sending notification -e emails to affected users, the company accidentally uses the “All” function so that all e -mail recipients can see the e -mail addresses of the other.

This error frustrated many users, one of the Fairphone Forum members even called him “renewable mistakes”. Fairphone has apologized and committed to improve their security procedures so that similar incidents do not reappear in the future.

With two leaks in an incident, Fairphone is now criticized by his community. The company, which is known for its commitment to sustainable technologies, must now also prove that it can better maintain user data security in the future.

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