
False spring, my personal new year – the central trend

The flowers of the wrong spring that bloomed far too early are still a symbol of spring.

Every year, around this time, a whisper of spring looks out of his sleep and adorns the middle west with a temperature of 50 degrees. It is true-I wore a T-shirt yesterday.

But unfortunately this February, this heat attack, is just a wrong source. Next week will return to freezing because my colleagues and weather app will inform me. The damn groundhog of course saw his shadow this year, so we are cursed by snow for six weeks.

But although this temporary spring decreases during the writing, I do not see it as a symbol of the wrong hope, but as a memory that hope is not lost. An initiative to continue, an incentive of anticipation.

I may be very inferior in this statement, but my favorite season is spring – the top of winter until spring to be precise. I love the way after months I played pale than the snow on my bare limbs on my bare limbs. I love how the sun is bright enough to fit my daily shine, but not too bright to blind my aqueous eyes. I love how I can play softball in the green grass instead of on the pathological soil of the gym. I love how the sky turns blue again instead of its wintry, bleak gray. Above all, I love the smell. The smell of the floor, the smell of growth. I love it, as I feel, how the earth awakens from her sleep by a deep inhale.

More than the light or the sun or fragrance, I love what spring symbolizes: hope. New beginnings. The beginning of spring – “wrong spring”, that is, is my new year. It is my fresh start.

So here is new beginnings and all New Year's resolutions that I will do.

When spring approaches and warmth enters my bones again, I tend to become friendlier. I get healthier when I go outside consistently, so that the clarity of my face and my sleep quality fits my relative mood. My New Year's decision is to bring this friendliness into the depths of winter. Remember that spring is not too unreachable and hope is on the move.

Although the exams sneak me on me, as they always seem to do, I expect the smell of spring very much. Yesterday I caught a touch of it in the air – a weak smell, but still a smell. Spring is coming and I am ready to be full of friendliness again. I am ready to go for a walk with my family, to put down the windows of my car and enjoy the scent of mother nature that wakes up from her sleep.