
Famous human cannonball at Rivco Fair & Date Festival injured

Indio, Ca-The well-known human cannon artists The Rocketman was hospitalized on Sunday after he had fallen from his target landing on the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival, according to several reports.

After Chachi “The Rocketman” Valencia was shot out of a cannon at the fair, a mighty wind gust caught him in the middle of the air, which met him on the side of his security network, which, according to a gofundme campaign organized by David Valencia, threw him on the asphalt.

The network is usually 20 feet from the floor, while Valencia, according to its website, is often catapulted into the air in distances of about 165 feet.

The fall led to serious injuries for Valencia, the broken ribs, a broken wrist and an injured liver suffered, David wrote on the Gofundme page.

Healing the campaign – CHACHI (Rocketman Valencia) and returning to the sky – is intended to collect 55,000 US dollars for Valencia's assembling medicinal bills and prepare for a possible operation within the next week. So far, the efforts have collected 4.,091 US dollars.

“In addition to the physical pain, the medicinal bills are already increasing and the way to recovery will be long.

According to his website, Valencia has at least 23 years of experience in a cannonball. He was held at the final ceremony of the Olympic Games in London, Nascar, Formula -1 events, the secret weapon in Rio de Janeios carnival competition as well as several circuses and festivals around the world.

He was also presented in a BBC special news report together with his wife Robin Valencia – the only female human cannonball in Europe, according to his website.