
Film Festival clock: 14 from Sundance supported films for catching on the True/False Film Fest 2025

Spring is just around the corner, which means that it is this season for the anniversary True/wrong festival Columbia take over, Missouri. The festival (a non -profit rag day film Society Project) is a unique four -day event that is rooted in four key values: integrity, inclusive, playfulness and sustainability, which only shaped for non -fiction films and screening and screening.

We are so excited that the 21-year celebration, which begins this week and runs until March 2, will show 14 Films supported by Sundance Institute Labs and our 2025 Festival. There are several within the slate Festival award winnerincluding functions SeedPresent FAILUREPresent Zodiac Killer projectAnd the short film The flowers are silent and testify.

Take a look at the titles that were premiered at our 2025 festival and were supported by our artist programs, including the Documentary programThis will be seen at True/False Screening.

Make sure you add you to your schedule when you take part. Further information on the programs mentioned in this list, click on Here.