
Film material of the shootout affected by McLean County Officer, which was released into the public

McLean County (25News Now) – The State Police in Illinois published the film material from the civil servants in McLean County.

As already reported, 18-year-old Ryan Aeron Stanley Hurst from Arkansas looks like three cases of attempted murder, a stricter attack by a peace officer and a tightened discharge of a firearm in a peace officer.

On Thursday, February 6th, the state police followed a car, which was assumed that he was involved in an armed robbery in Texas from Champaign County. Around 10:30 a.m. the car stopped at a petrol station in Lexington and a passenger, 19-year-old Joseph Martin Hernandez from Texas, left the car and entered the petrol station.

When Hernandez was in the petrol station, the officials came and tried to take custody in custody. When the officials tried to arrest Hurst, he pulled a gun and shot at the officers who returned the fire and wounded him.

The police then provided first aid until Hurst was taken to a local hospital and has been released since then.

In the meantime, Hernandez was not injured and taken into account for further examination. In addition, no officers were injured.

The examination continues. Hurst is now in the McLean County prison and is due again on March 14th.

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