
Find their place – Baylor

From Jerry Hill
Baylor Bear Insider

Waco, Texas – An ACL Leah Cran Wasn't even in the starting line -up at the beginning of this year.

But with Houston Transfer Turiya Coleman Cran started every game this weekend with an eye injury and earned a place in Baylor Invitational. She met .500 (8-against-16) with a double, three runs and three RBIs.

In the 2-1 defeat against Cal Baptist on Sunday in the tournament championship game, Cran had a leadoff single at the top of the first and met with newcomer Karynton Dawsons RBI single to the left.

“I just did it for my team and somehow took over it from it,” said Cran, who hits 0.385 for the season. “The Leadoff spot was fun to get the team up and running. I think that really helped.”

Cran was moved into the 6: 5 defeat of the Bears against North Texas with 6: 5 against Nordexas 3: 3.

“I would never have predicted that to put the Leadoff place”, Baylor trainer Glenn Moore said of Cran. “The game is funny how it teaches you what you have to do. But Brooklyn (Carter) had lost a bit of confidence. If that happens, move it down in the order in which you see better pitch and give you the opportunity to build your self -confidence.

Carter, a transfer from Washington, also benefited from the move to the 9-hole and scored with a triple, three RBIs and three stolen bases .308. She joined Cran Karynton DawsonSenior First Baseman/DP Shaylon Govan and Freshman Pitcher Sadie Ross In the all-tournament team.

Dawson had risen to the clean -up location despite a slow start and had a team high of 0.583 stroke average in the tournament in the tournament with two doubles, her first Homer of the season and five RBIs with two stolen bases.

“I think we did well. We grown a lot in this tournament,” said Cran. “It is still early in the season, so we have a lot to grow and learn. But I am very excited that we will end.”

After a quick start, in which two of the first four batteries collected, Cran had only three Baserunner, Baylor (10-10), Baylor (10-10) in the next five frames. The Lancers (10-12) met it 1-1 in the third inning when Matti Severn achieved a two-out single in the middle and met Kalena Burns' RBI-Single to the right.

Annika Hollingsworth (6-4) from CBU took the distance and only gave up one run with five goals and two walks with three strikes.

“There is no other reason to point to your fingers, except that a pitcher in this circle has an excellent job with a team that had seen the ball really well,” said Moore. “Every time you see that a jug fights someone like Shaylon, Karynton or one of them a little to find a good pitch to find an excellent job against outstanding rackets. Type your hat to your pitcher because a team collapsed that swung well yesterday.”

On the other hand, the bears were able to extend the starter Dari Orme, which gave up a run with four goals and four walks with a strike in 4.2 innings and lowered their era to 5.73.

“I didn't expect to close and end the game, but she came very close,” said Moore. “I thought mentally, the Timing call (Pitch Clock violation), who leaves the runner in this situation, probably drained a little. And it was probably time to get her out there.”

In their best threat since the first, the bears received a leadoff single from Amber birds in the seventh. But she was caught to calm the threat. Ashlyn Wachtendorf Had a two-out single that would have scored the goal for the second time, and then Carter met the choice of a field player as a shortstop.

Darling transfer Lillie Walker .

Baylor will compete in Texas (20-1) in Austin at 6 p.m. on Wednesday at 6 p.m. before opening against Kansas (10: 7) with a series with three games in the Gortterman Stadium against Kansas (10: 7) the next weekend.