
FinTechs in investigation into money laundering and criminal organization | Markets

The organized Task Force (GAECO) of the state of São Paulo (MPSP) and the federal police started the Operation Hydra on February 25 to combat the money laundering associated with the criminal organization PCC.

The operation aimed at two FinTech companies that were identified by the news page G1 as an invasion and 2GO Bank.

The federal police officers carried out an arrest warrant and ten search commands at places in São Paulo, Santo André and São Bernardo. According to a report by G1, the arrested person was identified as police officer Cyllas Elia Junior, CEO of 2GO Bank.

The federal police also announced a freezing on eight bank accounts and the temporary suspension of economic activities by the investigated fintechs.

According to Gaeco, the investigation was initiated on the basis of statements by Antônio Vinicius Gritzbach to the MPSP. The PCC information was murdered in November last year, while waiting to be picked up outside the Guarulhos Airport.

“The informant[Gritzbach)illuminatedtheuseoftheusevonITEDECHSDECHSFUNDIEDECHNSTUNDISTUNKASSWALTSWALTSWALTSWALDESSABESSITSCHUNDIESISTEInDeinforgeSonderFederalPeriod-Penal[Gritzbach)Shedlightonthone-off-interlaundering-fundsesandfromcriminalriminalAtivitiesthefrontsofheinvestigationconductedbyTy-destbyeaimedatdismantlinghemantlinghemethrohthroghpaymentinstactions”DetachorcSADAawrittenstatement”[Gritzbach)beleuchtetdieVerwendungvonFintechsfürdieWäschevonVermögenswertenundGeldernauskriminellenAktivitätenDiesisteinederFrontendervonderBundespolizeidurchgeführtenErmittlungendiedaraufabzielendasGeldwäscheprogrammdurchZahlungsinstitutionenabzubauen“sagtedieTaskForceineinerschriftlichenErklärung[Gritzbach)shedlightontheuseoffintechsforlaunderingassetsandfundsderivedfromcriminalactivitiesThisisoneofthefrontsoftheinvestigationsconductedbytheFederalPoliceaimedatdismantlingthemoneylaunderingschemethroughpaymentinstitutions”thetaskforcesaidinawrittenstatement

The two FinTechs provided financial services as an alternative to traditional banks, including the processing of illegal means. “You have set up a complex financial technology to hide the real beneficiaries,” added the explanation.

Money that was confiscated by the Federal Police during the investigation – Photo: Federal Police of Brazil