
Fire destroys barn on Route 405 | News, sports, jobs

Philip A. Holmes/Sun-Gazette, a large part of the barn had started to collapse when the firefighters arrived in the Clinton municipality in front of the Route 405.

Muncy- A massive fireball integrated a two-story 40 × 60-foot barn on the Route 405 in front of the district of Clinton in Clinton in Clinton late Wednesday afternoon.

Todd Winder, fire chief of the community, said someone burned on the property. The wind appeared and suddenly the barn was on fire, he said.

At the time of this letter there were no reports on injuries. A dozen fire service reacted to the fire in the 5680 route 405, including Pennsdale firefighters, who could see a large black column of smoke when they were about five to six miles away from the train station.

“Part of the building had started to collapse. The roof let in when I arrived. “ Said Winder.

Flames spread to the surrounding brush and devoured a farm tractor and two junk cars that were parked on the property.

“Many things in the barn exploded. There were propane tanks and tires in the barn “,” Said Winder. The owner of the farm is Carl Schmidt.

Flames also ventilated from a large propane tank, which was estimated on 1,000 gallons. “We kept water on it, tried to cool it down, hoping that a safety valve would close.” Said Winder. The tank was in the broken barn.

Firefighters placed almost 3,000 feet hose to design water from a branch of the Susquehanna River, just outside of Muncy.

Firefighters were on site for a long time to compress smoldering hotspots.

Winder estimated the damage of more than 500,000 US dollars.

Schmidt had an insurance company on the property.