
Fire destroys the corner rescue of nature in the Middlefield

An accidental fire destroyed on March 14 in the municipality of Middlefield in the Bundysburg Road in Middlefield Township in the Bundysburg Road in Middlefield.

An accidental fire destroyed on March 14 in the municipality of Middlefield in the Bundysburg Road in Middlefield Township in the Bundysburg Road in Middlefield.

Middlefield Fire Lt. Ben Reed said a call was brought in at 2:22 p.m. for a lot of black smoke in 12960 Bundysburg.

The business, which is popular with local Amish families, was like most recovery shops full of dried food, paper products and lighter liquids, which made fire in the block building difficult, said Reed.

“It was a kind of nightmare,” he said, adding that the rural location had no fire hydrants, so water had to be pulled in.

“We had to call a number of fire departments,” said Reed.

The black cloud of smoke came from the styrofoam in the freezing cabinets and refrigerators in the back of the building, where it first caught fire, said Reed.

The fire started as a result of someone who burned garbage behind the building. The flames spread out of control before firefighters arrived, he said.

“There was a lot of bad smoke,” said Reed.

Two firefighters were treated on site for smoke inhalation, but there were no injuries and it was 9 p.m. before the scene was clarified, he said.

“It was a total loss of the building.

The 7.3 hectare property belongs to Rodney Nagy. A house and outbuilding in the forest at some distance from the location.

Reed said that a flare-up was deleted around midnight and he had checked every hour or so on stage.

“The last thing we wanted was that it caught fire again,” he said.