
Fire -proof to explain the meaning of SC prescribed burns

Charleston, SC (toilet) – An event this weekend after an outbreak of forest fires across the state is supposed to show the South Caroliners that not all fires are bad fires.

Governor Henry McMaster has shown March as a prescribed month of fire consciousness. The Seve Fire Fest of this weekend is intended to explain why prescribed fires can help keep the types of forest fires that burned thousands of tomorrow last week.

Prescribed fires, also known as controlled burns, are deliberately illuminated by certain people such as farmers, wild biologists and foresters for land management. In contrast to forest fires, they are planned and checked under certain weather conditions that keep the flames manageable.

The goal is that the flames aim at vegetation that is close to the ground, such as leaves and pine needles.

Officials with the state chapter of Nature Conservancy say that these fires are of crucial importance not only for the support of forest growth, but also public security in cases of forest fires, since burned land lowers the amount of fuel fires. This in turn helps protect these areas during fire protection.

The Seve Fire is free and will take place on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Laurel Hill County Park. The only access point is along the Highway 41.