
Flatiron Super was sentenced to 22 years in prison for rape the woman

The hideous crimes of Jose Espinoza, the building of the Flatiron District, which was sentenced last January for rape and retail to a migrant cleaning woman, earned the 63-year-old monster in prison for 22 years.

Espinza's judgment was imposed on March 11 by judge Felicia Mennin before the criminal court of Manhattan. Mennin was first appointed court by Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2008.

The case, which is full of terrible details, became aware of the public in January 2024 when Espinoza was charged with rape, sexual abuse, employment and other charges.

According to the DA in Manhattan, Espinoza was superintendent in the 43 West 16th Street. The 12-story residential building with 95 apartments as a True North Flatiron has been managed by Pan on the shares of 18 E. 50th Street since at least 2018.

The church of St. Francis Xavier is located directly opposite the building, which has a banner “Immigrants and Refugees Welcome” since 2016.

The crimes themselves extended over a period of six years, from 2017 to spring 2022 and were only discovered when the victim, who was then subjected to breast cancer treatment in the Bellevue Hospital, told her history to a social worker who later informed the authorities.

As reported by the Day newsPresent The victim was “an illegal immigrant from Paraguay” – an important distinction that emphasizes how “undocumented” people can be hunted and how justice can be sought in their name despite their immigration status.

Even in summary, Manhattan da Alvin Braggs were charges against the super shocking:

“In August 2017, Espinoza offered the survivor, who also has a child with special needs – money in exchange for sex when she agreed to clean apartments in his building. In 2018, Espinoza began to spread and defeat the survivors, and initiated a control campaign by demanding that she sent him photos about text so that he could determine her whereabouts. “

“Espinoza escalated his control over the survivor through coercion, including cracks and taking her passports. He demanded a naked photo of her daughter and threatened to share it if the survivor ever resisted his commands. “

“Espinoza's abuse became even more serious over time. In one case, he forced the survivor to have sex with him before her daughter. “

In his indictment, Espinoza was not guilty and was released because of the objections of the DA with a payment bond of $ 200,000.

The lawyer of Espinoza, Jospeh Caldarera, who also represented the super process, strengthened the non -guilty plea and claimed that the victim had brought false charges “in the hope of improving their immigration status”.

“Hell has no anger like a despised woman,” explained Caldarera. “She is angry that my client would not leave his wife for her. A punishment against my client kills two birds with a stone – the immigration status and revenge.”

His client was convicted, everything that was left was convicted.

Were there any circumstances that Espinoza could offer that could cause the Court of grace?

Espinoza's precise biography is unclear. Photographs taken in court show that he wears translation headphones, which indicates the language of his fluid ability – as that of his victim – is Spanish.

Espinoza is married to three children and his ability to bring deposit and hire a private lawyer, that he has some financial resources. In fact, despite the indictment against him, Espinoza retained the support of friends and family, with judge Mennin receiving more than dozen letters in his name.

When convicted, the lawyer struggled these letters and explained that Espinoza's family was “clearly deceived” to consider him a good man.

“Good family men do not cheat on their women, enslave other women, install them in their houses, where they can take ultimate control over them and rape them,” replied the judge.

The victim had her own conviction, in which the judge shows no mercy. In the court of Manhattan Deputy Prosecutor Jonathon Junig, the woman collapsed when I heard the words: “Because of this bastard, I struggle to continue my life normally.”