
Florida Panther at the collision of AutoKollision in Hendry County: FWC

Florida residents can report an injured, sick or dead panther in the wildlife Alert Hotline of the FWC under 888-404-FWCC (3922).

St. Petersburg, Florida – A car hit a panther in Florida on Wednesday and marked the second death of the endangered species of the state in 2025.

According to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), the panther, which was about 10 1/2 years old, was killed in Hendry County at the crossing of the County Road 833 and the McDaniels Ranch Road.

The first reported death this year was in the Immokalee Road in Collier County – only 2 miles east of the Oil Well Grade Road. The panther, who was just 2 years old, also died of a car collision.

According to the FWC, vehicle collisions are the most common cause of death for Panthers.

In fact, in 2024 since 2016, a record high for Panther death in Florida, and 80% of the Panthers killed last year had died of car collisions, according to Jason Totoui, the senior lawyer of the Center for Biological Diversity.

Since both the number of panthers and the number of people living in Florida are growing, the chance to meet the animal – especially in rural areas, according to wildlife officials.

In order to ensure the survival of the endangered species and protect the drivers from personal injury, it is recommended to slow down the speed limits and pursue, especially in Panther zones, which are located in several counties in South Florida.

Florida residents can report an injured, sick or dead panther in the Wildlife Alert Hotline under 888-404-FWCC (3922).