
Football club boss, 3 more, accused in Hong Kong Match-Fixing case

The anti-corruption agency in Hong Kong has calculated four people, including a football club owner who allegedly offers bribes to fix the results in the 2021-22 season.

This included a suspected illegal bookmaker, Yao Xiaocong (40) and owner and trainer of FU Moon Athletic Association and coach Lo Hong-Ming, 30th Lo also played as a defender in games.

The other two were Fu Moon midfielder so Chun-Yin, 32, and Wong Him-Chun, also 32, an illegal competitor and former player.

The four charges for conspiracy to prevent agents under the prevention of the bribes and the ordinance of the crimes an advantage and a conspiracy that was cheated after the Common Law.

The ICAC said in the 2021-22 season between April 2021 and August 2022, Fu Moon took part in the Second Division in Hong Kong under the football association of Hong Kong, China (HKFA).

The HKFA asked all registered players to adhere to their ethics code, including participation in illegal activities such as illegal competition, bribery and match fixation.