
For the record, Friday, March 14, 2025

The recording provides information on the recent professional activities and honors of the Faculty of the University of Delaware, employees, students and alumni.

The latest presentations, publications and honors include the following:


Five Students from the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration Participated in the 2025 Network of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (Naspaa) Policy Simulation Competition, Held Virtual on March 1 and 8. The Annual Event Public Service Professionals with Real-World Challenges to Tackle in Real Time, Connecting Classroom Theory With Practice and Encouraging Skill Development. Student participants were Gema Otheliansyaha student in the Master of Public Administration Program; Samuel MackeyA student in the Master of Public Policy Program; Elena rhymea senior with a focus of public order; Meghan Rydella second public order and international relationships Double Major; And Cole TerneyA junior focus in public order.


Rachael HutchinsonElias Ahuja Professor of Japanese and Game Studies in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, was interviewed by The economist On the effects of Japanese aesthetics on video game studios in Asia. She also published two book chapter on the Japanese video game analysis “ideologies of the body in Hideo Kojimas Metal Gear Series” in The Metal Gear Solid series: Critical Essays and New PerspectivesEd. Steven Kielich and Chris Hall (Bloomsbury) and “out of love for monsters: Yōkai and colonialism in Japanese games” in Monstrosity in games and games: a multidisciplinary examination of monstrous in contemporary culturesEd. Mikko Meriläinen et al. (Amsterdam University Press). These essays examine Japanese blockbuster games such as Metal Gear Solid and Pokémon by disability aesthetics and colonial framework conditions.

Micki BurdickAssistant professor for women and gender studies has a piece in conversation “The facial law was issued to protect the clinics for reproductive health – here is why its history is important today.”

Heinz-Uwe HausEmeritated professor in the Department of Theater and Dance, published in the bilingual German and Romanian journal Alternanes: magazine for literature and cultureMunich, Germany, issue 1/2025, two articles. An essay under the title “Notes of the 'Verage' of the West (notes to the need for the” western “of the West) deals with the future with which Europe are confronted with climate change, migration, demographic changes and economic uncertainties. The aim is to arouse interest in such challenges that go beyond the mere cooperation at European level and promote collective supranational action at a global level. “The West is on a crossroads: On the way to a 'Greater West' or a 'post -western world'? Die Lämmen Abels ((Lambs from Abel), Bucuresti, Cismigui books, 2024. Your poems interweave life experiences from the Ceaucescu dictatorship with the biblical legend of the victim. “While the story of Cain and Abel fully taught tragedies, a valuable lesson teaches us about life with sincerity. Through your example, we learn how not only our actions, but our attitudes are important – and how devastating sin can be the consequences.” Said house.


Jonathan justiceProfessor to Joseph R. Biden Jr., School of Public Policy and Administration, receives the Laverne Burchfield Award for the best book discussion in Review of public administration. His book review is entitled “The new Ph.D.: How to build better university education.” Justice will receive the prize on March 31 at the annual conference of the American Society for Public Administration in Washington, DC

Katherina KangA doctoral student in the program for plant and soil science of UD was selected to obtain the Katherine S. McCarter Graduate Student Policy Award 2025. The Ecological Society of America (ESA) offers this award every year to offer graduates practical training and science politicians. In the spring, the award winners receive a paid trip to Washington, DC to receive guidelines and communication training in the ESA headquarters, followed by meetings with the Congress politicians on the Capitol Hill in order to discuss the importance of federal investments in biological and ecological sciences.

Nigel CaplanProfessor and deputy director of teacher training programs at the English Language Institute was presented in the Delaware Online News Journal As one of the “most influential people” in Delaware in education for his grant, Project Delite. The article explains how the project, which has completed its first cohort from teachers last summer, expects at least 60 teachers and 15 para -professionals to prove the necessary UD courses over the next five years certified teachers of multilingual English learners.

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