
Fort Cavazos supports military families after Kicken has destroyed fire stored

The fire damaged household tours and caused Fort Cavazos to activate support services for affected families.

Fort Cavazos, Texas – military families who are affected by the massive Killen Fire on Sunday will receive critical support.

Officials of the III armor corps and Fort Cavazos confirmed on Wednesday that a large amount of household goods that belonged to military families were damaged and destroyed by fire.

According to a press release, the affected programs were stored in a warehouse, and the authorities are now working to support those affected. In response to this, the command activated its emergency family -action -zentrum in Fort Cavazos, where experts will help those affected to navigate the restoration process, according to Fort Cavazos.

The US transport command (Ustranscom), which monitors the Defense Ministry's Personnel property, will probably be on site to support the company. According to officials, those affected are contacted directly via the status of their belongings.

“This is a terrible situation for our people who have lost their goods or have it damaged,” said Lieutenant General Kevin D. Admiral, who commanded General of III Control Corps and Fort Cavazos. “Although we are grateful that nobody was injured, we realize that this is an enormous loss and an incredibly stressful event for everyone affected. We endeavor to support our soldiers, families and army civilians from start to finish from start to finish. “

Officials of the III armor corps and Fort Cavazos coordinate their reaction efforts with USSTRANSCOM.

Further details are provided when developing the situation.

Military personnel with questions about your programs are asked to contact your local installation obligation or to achieve the ITO of Fort Cavazos under 1-800-521-9959.

The fire started as a grass fire and quickly spread to a warehouse, which resulted in several structures, including an apartment complex, which displaced 30 people and drew a large -scale emergency reaction on Sunday afternoon.

The fire was first reported at 1:02 p.m. and was quickly got out of control because wind gusts exceeded more than 30 miles per hour, Killen fire chief Jim Kubinski said in a press conference on Sunday. The flames stacked a large area of ​​storage boxes – about 15 meters by 50 yards and three tackled – in front of the roof of the Liberty Apartments on the Liberty Apartments.

The wind -driven fire led to four structures that caught fire, three of which were destroyed, while suffering was slightly damage, said Kubinski.

In addition to additional answering agencies, the Killeen Fire Department used 21 fire brigade apparatus to combat the fire. The law enforcement authorities also played an important role, with 38 units supporting the reaction and securing of the area. Kubinski said that firefighters would stay on site for more than 24 hours to access other affected buildings and extinguishing smoldering fire.

Kubinski described the fire as one of the greatest incidents that the city met during his time as a boss, and emphasized the importance of the command structure of the department for the management of the emergencies of this scale.