
Free Laredo extension clinic helps to delete the arrest, youth records

Laredo residents who strive to relieve arrests or youth records are asked to go on one until mid-March.

According to the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, an event is an event in which individuals can go through the legal process of removing a criminal register, including arrests and convictions, from public records.

Through the cooperation with the judges of the State Court of Webb County, the district prosecutor and the local judicial community will provide free records for Laredoans by the night court of the Social Justice by March 14th of Texas Rio Grande.

“The Laredo branch of TRLA offers a free clinic to extend records to help low-income people with low incomes to clarify their arrest documents, including cases in which convicts for offenses and drug dishes are involved, and the sealing of youth files,” said Texas Rio Grande Legal AID in a statement.

According to the legal assistance provider, the appointments are based on the legal assistance on a base for the first end. To apply, call the clinic hotline under 956-489-5099 or visit the office in Laredo in the 1702 Covenant Ave. that must apply for people by March 14.