
Friends film woman

When the 31 -year -old Sam Jackson made a second date, she would never have imagined that she would change the beginning of some life.

She had asked her friends to film her if the man she saw became her future husband – and now it looks like a possibility. Jackson spoke to Newsweek Via the Tikok video that has hit the moment and about the unexpected trajectory of the relationship that she hopes is forever.

“Last year, as a joke, my friends turned me a second date in case he was my future husband,” said Jackson, the video that has over 550,000 views. “We contracted ten months later.”

Jackson told Newsweek That she definitely didn't mean the filming seriously when it happened.

“When I made this second date, I was 30 years old and in a phase in my life in which I really wanted to find my person, have settled myself, have children,” she said. “But like people who live and agree in big cities, know that when they are in a city with many options, they come across many people who are not serious looking for casual situations, find out their dating goals or simply go through the city and look for a good time.”

She had been hopeful before the date, but for a long time she had left the love completely: “I had dated a bit … but just didn't find the way I was looking for,” she said. “In fact, I was about to give up.”

But her new date seemed to tick more than she expected. After a few outstanding moments that made Jackson secure their compatibility, their relationship became serious.

“That made me think: 'Wow, this guy is actually the real business, his feelings for me are real,” she said. “On our second date, he told me that he bought us tickets to see Olivia Dean, which I mentioned on our first date as one of my favorite artists. We both shared a love of music and his attention and thoughtfulness were incredibly attractive.”

From there the relationship continued naturally. After their third date, the two deleted their dating apps to concentrate on each other. Two months later the couple became official and talked about what life wanted to look like.

Coincidentally, Jackson's tenancy was almost over at her current location, and the stars seemed to be aligned.

“I hate sounding clichés,” she said. “But if you know you know.”

In retrospect, experience has only increased what Jackson believes about love and fate. She hopes that her “second date man” will be her husband.

“It is difficult to stay motivated these days. People are fed up with apps and it seems to be a myth to meet people in real life. Likewise, women are afraid to look forward to a new love interest or share it with their friends if it is not working,” she said. “You have to go with your stomach if it feels right, who knows?”

Sam Jackson in her Tikkok video.
