
Funny papers again column | I look forward to a restart after spring has jumped | The King City Rustler

Today's column will not hold back the normal 1,000 words. And with the blessing of Ryan, my boss at New SV Media, it will be my last column for March.

It is much easier to write on a topic if this topic is the writer through which the writer feels strongly and believes that there is a moral obligation to eliminate an opinion. I have strong opinions on the current political landscape, but also millions of writers in countless social media, and although I can now need strong voices in America, I don't have to be one of them. I know people who have the opposite view that I have from the current administration, and I like them, respect them for what they have achieved, and enjoy their society so that it appears counterproductive for the community. And I enjoy this community.

In the future, I will keep stories and comments on local events, topics and people and leave politics to others. I am aware that we have all stories from our lives, regardless of the age we are all storytellers, and since this column is also a written recording for my son and daughter and six grandchildren, I would like to present some of these past stories to give them an idea of ​​how grandpa's life was many moons. I hope the readers will also find them entertaining. Hopefully think about the source and hold back the judgment about some of the “checkered” stories.

It is time to put some activities aside and concentrate, for some time in personal affairs family matters. Since the death of my grandson Weston I have not been with my daughter Jenny last September and this is a family goal, another is a alienated brother in poor health and needs a place to live.

In the past 11 years I have had the opportunity to get involved in the community in very worthwhile volunteer efforts, and I am very grateful for that, but it is time to reduce a little. In this sense, Mrs. H knew past the Monterey County Dance Theater that as a guest actor I can no longer guarantee a good job (not to mention that I no longer needed with the advent of some fine male actors). My last appearance of the stage was so disappointing that I knew it was time to end my make-up kit, and after two years that were for two years, the citizens thought about the stages. I didn't flatter that a small vacuum that was created by these withdrawals was not filled quickly. Shouldn't be difficult to replace a 72-year-old man on a bike.

I will complete my term as a member of the planning commission and at this point in time, March 2027, evaluate my usefulness with this body. I will continue as a board member of the Southern Monterey County Center for the Performing Arts. And my Thursday morning from nine to 12 p.m. as a volunteer in the museum work team will remain a highlight of my week.

And that's it for the next few weeks; When this column returns on April 2, it will be spring with longer, sunnier days and the novelty of growth, which is accompanied by this season. And that won't be nice.

Watch out. Peace.