
Gas leaking forces Evacuation in Clay County

Edgar, Neb. (KSNB) – The residents were evacuated on Thursday morning from an eight block area of ​​Edgar due to a natural gas leak.

Haley Malone, the emergency manager of Clay County, said the leak was reported at 10:10 a.m. after a construction company reached a gas line and also pierced a nearby sewer line.

Malone said that Black Hills's energy was eliminated the gas leak, but the village, fire and rescue worker of the village, the rescue workers tried to remove the sewage pipes until late Thursday morning.

Malone said children and workers from an Edgar Day Care were brought to the Edgar City building. She said other resident evacuates could go there too.

Malone said the crews from the South Central Public Power District have cut electricity in the evacuated area of ​​electricity to avoid that a fire or explosion is triggered.

Edgar Fire and Ems, the emergency management of Clay County and the MPs from the County Sheriff's office were also on site on Thursday morning.

Malone said that no injuries had been reported until late Thursday morning.

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