
Gasleck appeared in the NCC dormitory

A gas leak occurred on February 25 at around 5:00 p.m. in the fast residential building of NCC. The students acted quickly and sent their concerns of a strange smell out of the building. First aiders and campus security came on site immediately and rated the situation.

Reaction and communication time bar

Jeremy Borling, Senior Director of Communication from NCC, gave an event time bar in an e -mail interview. Campus Safety received the first call about the matter of students at 5:04 p.m. They then contacted the Naperville fire brigade “as part of the security protocols of the college”. Shortly afterwards, Naperville Firefighters reached faster at 5:15 p.m. and evaluated the situation with their equipment.

The students received an e -mail on this topic at 6.48 p.m. from Pedja Trifunovic.

“We would like to inform you that we are aware of the current gas problem in the building and are actively working on solving the problem,” said Trifunovics E -Mail. “At this point, there is no valued schedule if the residents can return to the building. Your security has our top priority and we appreciate your patience when we work with the corresponding teams to tackle the situation. We will share more information as soon as you are available. “

Almost an hour later, at 7:55 p.m., the students received a second e -egg mail from Trifunovic with updates. They were informed that it would certainly return at 8:30 p.m. faster, but there would be no heating nor hot water. In addition, nobody needed medical help in the building.

“If you need space heating for additional comfort, please contact us,” said Trifunovics e -Mail. “If you return to your room this evening or if you need help with temporary apartments, please do not hesitate to contact us.”

Borling dealt with the cause of the gas leak and assured that the problem was solved.

“When inspecting the mechanical system, it was found that a failed damper led to the alarm level notification. The Gasservices were inspected and the incorrect devices that were led to this problem were all replaced, inspected and tested, ”said Borling.

The Gasservice and the mechanical systems of the building were fully functional on February 26 at 3 p.m.

Reaction of the residents

The student Kylie Janouskovec, '26, set the first call to the security of the campus. When she heard a weak sound in her dormitory, she went out to check it.

“I heard chirping that I had assumed from an alarm,” said Janouskovec, 26. “When I went to this sound, I noticed a clear smell that blew from the hallway into the common area of ​​my suite. That was unusual, so my suite buddy and I went outside, where I turned to the security of the campus. “

Other student residents expressed their concerns about a “burning smell” in a quick group chat about Groupme, a messaging service app. Students like Trinity Murray, '26, received various news around 5:00 p.m. in the common area of ​​their dormitory.

“I've been waiting to see what other people said,” said Murray '26. “It got worse than other people said that he smelled of Rauch on the second and third floor.”

She notified her roommate, who does not have Groupme to evacuate.

“I hit her door and said:” We have to get out, there is a gas leaf, “said Murray, 26th” I probably wouldn't have put together two and two, which happened if it hadn't been for the group. “

The group also alerted Erica Johnson (25) over the gas leak.

“When I saw the excitement of a strange smell in a quick groupme, I went into the hallway and it smelled strongly of gas with a smoky smell,” said Johnson, '25.

Some students went to different places for the night, while others returned to their sleeping halls.

Campus security resources

An earlier off-campus, but public security nearby incident happened in the autumn semester in September 2024. Campus security alerted the parishioners through Rave. Campus Safety encourages the students to register in the messaging system for fast emergencies in such events.

Additionally, Campus Security is available via your emergency number around the clock at 630-637-5911. Students can also find more available resources on the website.